Parttime – Aerodynamics
As a parttimer in the aerodynamics department you can help to design the whole external shape of the car. This goes from the nose to the diffuser and of course all the airfoils and other aerodynamics devices. Your task will be to optimize these components with the help of simulation software. You will get to help in the production with a goal of optimizing the weight and improving our environmental impact by the use of renewable component like flax fiber.
Ideal profile:
Willing to learn about fluid dynamics and race car aerodynamics, hands on approach, basic knowledge of composite materials
Soft skills
Teamwork, communicative, eye for detail, problem solver
Siemens Star CCM+, Siemens NX
What are the tasks:
In order to produce new aerodynamic devices, we are in dire need of new molds. Therefore, we are looking into 3D printed molds for various components. There are however a lot of different manufacturing and surface finishing techniques.
You will look into the different techniques and which of them could be used for various components. You will do literature study on the best ones, our partner will then create test samples so you can try out the different techniques for different aerodynamic devices in order to check their performance. During the testing, you will be supplied with carbon fiber and resin to create the outer skins of the wing profile. The mold resulting in the best surface finish of the wing proves to be superior and will be used for our new molds. An interest in 3D printing and composite manufacturing is of great value for this case.
Our aerodynamic designs aim to create as much downforce as possible with minimal drag. These forces need to be transferred to the chassis with a rigid mounting. The smallest bend can create a difference between the designed angle of attacks and the actual position of components. So we need to develop mounting systems that are as lightweight as possible, while maintaining proper functioning. These systems are mainly used to hold the front and rear wing in place. You will be responsible for helping us in the design of these mounting systems. We’ll explore various mounting systems for components like rear wings, including under-wing mounts, support rods, swan neck mounts, and structural endplates. The task involves designing some of these systems in Siemens NX, taking into account aerodynamics, weight, cost-efficiency and other considerations. A basic knowledge of CAD design, aerodynamics and finite element analysis will come in handy for this case. The designed components will eventually be milled or lasered from a metal plate.
In order to optimize our aerodynamic devices, whether it is the rear wing, front wing, sidepodec etc., we are looking for a part-timer who is interested in aerodynamic design in order to work out different ideas and do CFD calculations on them in order to help us decide on the best performing aerodynamic setup for our Formula Student race vehicle. An interest in CAD and CFD are requirements for this position.
Some previous examples:
Aerodynamics is an important part of the performance in a racecar. Numerous simulations are made in order to improve our aerodynamic package. However, these simulations are not a perfect image of reality. This is where the validation step comes in.
The goal of the validation process is to make measurements on the car, either on track or in a wind tunnel, in order to compare them with the simulation outputs. The volunteer will have the task of designing the pressure sensors setup and a 5-hole probe for flow direction measurement.
Aerodynamics is an important part of the performance in a race car. Numerous simulations are made in order to improve our aerodynamic pack age each year. The focus is made on downforce production and drag reduction. The nose of the car is an important part in the aerodynamic package. Since it hits the air first it will mainly impact the flow downwards. It works in combination with the front wing to provide flow to the undertray.
The volunteer will have the task of designing this nose with the help of a CFD software provided to him.
- Taking part in a very unique project
- A field of expertise that is unique to this project
Hands on experience in a competitive environment
Boosting your soft skills (teamwork, maintaining professional relationships, …)
Insight into different software programs (Star ccm+, NX, etc.)
Hands on experience with production of composite materials
Business relations with composites/aerodynamics related companies
Up for the challenge?
Submit your application to Your mail should contain the following:
- The department you would like to work in should be included in the subject
- A motivation letter (max 1 page)
- Your CV