STEM Workshop

What is STEM?

Science Technology Engineering Math

STEM is an educational initiative designed to equip elementary and high school students with the knowledge and skills needed for college, advanced studies, and careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. Beyond focusing on specific subjects, STEM emphasizes the development of critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and teamwork.


Formula Electric Belgium is a team consisting of motivated students from different campuses of KU Leuven and Thomas More. Each year, we take on the challenge of designing, developing and building an electric formula-style racing car in just nine months. During this process, we use all our knowledge we gained during our study career. We would like to share this knowledge and experience with the younger generations in order to stimulate their interest and enthusiasm for an exciting career in engineering!

We do this in the form of STEM workshops, which means that we visit schools with one of our cars. Here we give a short introduction in which we tell how our team works and what the year looks like for us: from designing to building and racing.

After this short presentation the students will get to work with tests and experiments to discover all aspects of the car in a practical way.

Finally, the students get the chance to see one of our cars from close by. This way, they see how the different parts come together in one project. By doing so, they discover the diversity within the engineering sector.

A more detailed overview of the specific workshops can be found below. It is also possible to adjust the content of our workshop to the interests of the students. This way, we can give all students a taste of what an engineering career entails.


  • min. 20 students (less is possible but you’ll have to pay for 20 students)
  • €10,00 /student (excl. BTW)
  • €0,50/km (not charged if the workshops are held at the offices of Formula Electric Belgium)
  • one session: 15 min. team presentation + 90 min. workshops + 15 min. car presentation)

For an optimal experience, we would like to have the following logistics possibilities:



2m x 3m surface

Electric Race Car

5m x 1m surface

Banners 4x (width: 1m; hight: 2m)



Beamer + screen


For more information you can contact stem@formulaelectric.be.

Register via the following form

Dates possible between:

01/11/2024 - 31/12/2024 and 01/03/2025 - 30/04/2025

*We are not available in January and February because of the production of the car in these months

We will contact you regarding the appropriate date and required infrastructure.

For teaching the STEM class, we ask for a fee that goes entirely towards developing our vehicle. This information will be sent to you.